On my wall hangs a painting I received for my 40th birthday—a woman in a red dress, high heels clicking as she sprints down a track, the starting blocks left far behind her. It’s a piece of art that I adore, not just for its bold colours and sense of movement, but for what it represents in my life.

To me, this painting captures the essence of being a woman in business. Yes, I love fashion and shoes (who doesn’t enjoy a killer pair of heels?), but there’s more to it than that. It’s about the reality of running a race on a track not necessarily built for us, where high heels might not be the most practical footwear.

Let’s be honest: succeeding in the business world as a woman can feel a bit like running in stilettos on a track—always needing to be poised, always a little bit off balance, and often working harder to keep pace. We’re expected to excel, look the part, and never let them see us wobble, in case we are branded ‘too sensitive’.

But here’s the thing—while those heels may not be designed for a sprint, they also symbolize our ability to adapt, to push through, and to redefine the rules of the game. We don’t just run in stilettos; we conquer in them. And that, in itself, is something to be celebrated.

Now, as I look at that painting, I realize it’s also a call to action. It’s a reminder that, despite the challenges, we keep moving forward with style, strength, and determination. But what if we could make that race a little easier? What if we could exchange those stilettos for something that offers both power and comfort—without sacrificing an ounce of who we are?

That’s where coaching and mentoring come in. Whether you’re just starting your career or you’ve been running in those metaphorical heels for a while, sometimes we all need a little guidance, a little support, and a little encouragement to keep going and to thrive.

Let me add a little something extra here — Whole-System Biological Coaching. I know, it sounds a bit technical, but in layman’s terms, it’s about recognizing that we are not just minds operating in isolation. Our bodies, emotions, and environments all play a huge role in how we function and succeed. This approach takes into account your entire system—your mind, body, and surroundings—to help you find balance and thrive in every aspect of your life.

Think of it like upgrading from stilettos to running shoes that fit perfectly. Whole-System Biological Coaching helps you understand and optimize every part of you, so you’re not just sprinting through life, but doing so with ease, confidence, and resilience.

If you’ve ever felt like you’re running that race on a track not quite built for you, let’s chat. I’ve been there, and I’m here to help you navigate your journey, one confident step at a time. Whether it’s finding your balance, gaining momentum, or simply having someone in your corner, coaching can be the game-changer you’re looking for.

Ready to swap those stilettos for a stride that feels truly powerful? Let’s connect and see how we can make your race a little less about surviving and a lot more about thriving.